Canvas AI Details

Canvas AI

Use artificial intelligence to generate strategy canvases .

Canvas AI works on iOS and Mac M1
For IOS and MACOS on Apple Silicon (M1)

Unleash Your Business Strategy Potential: Let Our AI fill Your Mental Models.

Canvas AI - A business model canvas for a plant shop.
Co-Create Business Models and Customer InterviewS with AI

AI Suggestions to Fill Your Blind Spots

Revolutionize your strategizing with AI-driven suggestions, turning your canvas from blank to brilliant in seconds. Canvas AI provides canvas templates and generates content that fits your existing data.

Canvas AI generates content for Kano Model
Generate Images With ArtifiCial Intelligence

Illustrate Business Models and Canvases

Bring your canvas to life: our AI crafts vivid images to illuminate and contextualize your strategic insights effortlessly. Canvas AI uses generative AI and makes your canvases visually appealing.

Images generated with Canvas AI
Business Model Generation

Create and Innovate Business Plans

Elevate your business model innovation with AI-generated insights tailored for both Business Model and Customer Value Canvases. Transform vision into actionable strategy, one AI-crafted idea at a time.

Canvas AI on iOS
Product Management

Innovate Products and Services

Redefine your product strategy with AI-driven insights, optimizing Customer Interview and Kano Model Canvases. Dive deep into customer desires and needs, and shape standout products with precision, all powered by advanced AI.

Canvas AI on iOS

Canvas Templates for Business Strategy and Product Innovation

Explore different canvases and find the perfect template for your idea

Learn more about the Customer Interview Canvas
Tables hosting Canvas AI

Ready to get started?